Skyler - LangGraph with Ollama
here are langgraph sample codes with ollama that make agent and use tool
from langgraph.graph import Graph
from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOllama
from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
import json
# Specify the local language model
local_llm = "phi3"
# Initialize the ChatOllama model with desired parameters
llm = ChatOllama(model=local_llm, format="json", temperature=0)
def Agent(question):
# Define the prompt template
template = """
Question: {question} Let's think step by step.
your output format is filename:"" and content:""
make sure your output is right json
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(template)
# Format the prompt with the input variable
formatted_prompt = prompt.format(question=question)
llm_chain = prompt | llm | StrOutputParser()
generation = llm_chain.invoke(formatted_prompt)
return generation
def Tool(input):
print("Tool Stage input:" + input)
# Parse the JSON input
data = json.loads(input)
# Extract the "content" and "filename" parts
content = data.get("content", "")
filename = data.get("filename", "")
# Write the content to the specified filename
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
return input
# Define a Langchain graph
workflow = Graph()
workflow.add_node("agent", Agent)
workflow.add_node("tool", Tool)
workflow.add_edge('agent', 'tool')
app = workflow.compile()
app.invoke("write an article, content is ")
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, END
from typing import TypedDict, Literal
import random
import json
from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOllama
from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
# Specify the local language model
local_llm = "mistral"
llm = ChatOllama(model=local_llm, format="json", temperature=0)
# Clip the history to the last 8000 characters
def clip_history(history: str, max_chars: int = 8000) -> str:
if len(history) > max_chars:
return history[-max_chars:]
return history
# State Machine
class TRPGState(TypedDict):
history: str
need_roll: bool
roll_number: int
# Define the base class for tasks
class AgentBase(ABC):
def __init__(self, state: TRPGState):
self.state = state
def get_prompt_template(self) -> str:
def execute(self) -> TRPGState:
# Clip the history to the last 8000 characters
self.state["history"] = clip_history(self.state["history"])
# Define the prompt template
template = self.get_prompt_template()
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(template)
llm_chain = prompt | llm | StrOutputParser()
generation = llm_chain.invoke({"history": self.state["history"], "roll_number": self.state["roll_number"]})
data = json.loads(generation)
self.state["need_roll"] = data.get("need_roll", "")
self.state["roll_number"] = -1
self.state["history"] += "\n" + generation
self.state["history"] = clip_history(self.state["history"])
return self.state
# Define agents
class DM(AgentBase):
def get_prompt_template(self) -> str:
return """
As DnD DM, describe the current scenario for the player. (in short, we do fast play)
sometimes roll dice, sometimes not.
player roll {roll_number}, if > 0 you need explain what the roll affect result, start from your roll {roll_number} blablabla
Output the JSON in the format: {{"scenario": "your action description", "need_roll": True/False}}
class Player(AgentBase):
def get_prompt_template(self) -> str:
return """
Here is the scenario: {history}
As a Player, I want to perform an action. (in short, we do fast play)
Output the JSON in the format: {{"action": "I want xxxx"}}
# Define tool
def RollDice(state: TRPGState) -> TRPGState:
random_number = random.randint(1, 20)
state["history"] += "\n" + "roll result:" + str(random_number)
state["history"] = clip_history(state["history"])
state["need_roll"] = False
state["roll_number"] = random_number
return state
# for conditional edges
def check_need_roll(state: TRPGState) -> Literal["roll", "not roll"]:
if state.get("need_roll") == True:
return "roll"
return "not roll"
# Define the state machine
workflow = StateGraph(TRPGState)
# Initialize tasks for DM and Player
def dm_task(state: TRPGState) -> TRPGState:
return DM(state).execute()
def player_task(state: TRPGState) -> TRPGState:
return Player(state).execute()
workflow.add_node("dm", dm_task)
workflow.add_node("player", player_task)
workflow.add_node("RollDice", RollDice)
# Define edges between nodes
"not roll": "player",
"roll": "RollDice"
workflow.add_edge("player", "dm")
workflow.add_edge("RollDice", "dm")
# Compile the workflow into a runnable app
app = workflow.compile()
# Initialize the state
initial_state = TRPGState(
history="A monster appears in front of you.",
for s in
# Print the current state
print("for s in")